You can return any item purchased on within 14 days from the delivery date.
- Make sure the product you return is in its original condition, including original tags and packaging.
- As an international customer, you can return your parcel using any postal service. However, as the parcel remains your responsibility until it arrives to us, please remember to keep a proof of dispatch. reserves the right to reject returns sent or communicated beyond the return period limit, or items which are not in its original, unaltered and unwashed condition.
Footwear must be returned with the original shoe box. The shoe box should be placed inside a shipping box in order to prevent damage during shipping.
You will receive the refund in the same payment method used for the purchase. It will be made within 5 working days counting from the date of the delivery of the item to our warehouse. Return cost is paid by client. Duties, taxes and the original shipping charges are non-refundable.
Please contact us, before starting a return.
Please contact our Customer service at email to get the return address.